Thursday, July 1, 2010

Still in Wonderland?

I am a big Alice in Wonderland fan. Its my favorite ride at Disneyland (the one in the caterpillar-not the teacups) and was my favorite kiddie movie. However even the fact that Mia Wasikowska was in the latest version of the movie, it cannot save her from me or my blog!

Focus on the outfit and not the hair...outfit-not the hair...outfit. Okay that lasted about a second, but this hair cut is terrible. But the dress may be even worse. I have no idea who made it and I do not care. All I can think of is the Friends episode where everyone was waiting to go somewhere and Joey put on all of Chandlers clothes on at the same time...I mean does it look like to anyone else that she opened up her closet and started grabbing things to layer on top of each other?

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

I think the easiest fix would be to remove the longer black lace skirt she has on over, what looks like a mini.  That would help tremendously.  I would also, if some of the blue cannot be removed, add some pizazz.  Maybe a cool bracelet with blue in it or some shoes with blue.  Right now it stands out like the Queen of Hearts giant head.

I feel like a stylist was involved in this debacle. She is still relatively young and I think her "people" would want to make sure she shows up in the best light.  I think the light bulb burned out on this one.  Only thing I can say is Mia, grab your stylist, throw them down the white rabbit hole and FIRE I don't have to see their work again!

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