So some of you may be wondering who this is. If you don't watch WWE, Dancing with the Stars or stay away from all grocery stores (check out line magazines), you may have missed her. She is Stacy Keibler. WWE wrestler, turned dancer, turned George Clooney's new girlfriend.
Okay, Okay I admit it, I may be a tad bit jealous. I mean c'mon she is dating as coined by Jessica Sarah Parker at the MTV Awards in 2000, "The Clooney." You know your a little jealous too-even you guys if your reading. We all love George, but now she gets to do it a little more...intimately?
But back to my point, her outfit. Well since I cannot see her shoes, I cannot comment on those. But would you really notice them with the sheet of gold wrapped around her? The dress is by Marchesa, a pretty famous designer, so you would expect a bit more. I am not sure what bothers me more, the twisting of what I can only terms as "bed sheet mess" or that is looks like with one small bump you might knock the girl over. Or the fact, that she looks exactly like the Oscar Statue behind her.
Hmmm, how to save the outfit?
Oddly enough this was a middle of the way dress for the Hit or Miss lists, but the horrible misses were just too easy. The dress would of been a HUGE hit for me, if the twist wasn't there and it was more form fitting. She's a pretty girl, but the dress, in my opinion, over-shadows her. If the twist must remain, I think the bottom half of the dress needs to be let out a bit. Give your legs some breathing room and they will help you walk.
Stacy, I say this one is pretty simple. Don't
FIRE the Stylist,
BURN the dress and demand George to buy you a new one...he can afford it.
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