Williams is 31 years old and should not be wearing her daughter Matilda's clothes, who is seven. When you are 7, you can wear ugly sandals and mismatched patterned shorts and tees. But when you have been nominated for multiple Golden Globes and Academy Awards, you should act or in this case dress appropriately. Especially if one of those rolls was playing Marilyn Monroe, who lets face it, is a Fashion Icon. Did she get dressed in the dark? Is she wearing Stevie Wonder glasses for a reason?
Hmmm, how to save the outfit?
Simply pick one or the other. Each piece has many options from skirts, jeans, shorts, tank tops t-shirts, etc to match with. But together, it is a miss-mash mess. And those sandals....yuck!
Michelle, I don't think you can blame your people for this look. So I would definitely BURN the sandals, they are quite ugly. And the clothes are fine, but don't wear together anymore. But for the mean time keep the glasses on...maybe no one else will recognize you?
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