Pretty sure when you enter the name Gwen Stefani, front woman for No Doubt, into your search engine, the term 'Fashion Pop Icon' will come up. She has had a huge impact over the last twenty-some years in music and fashion. I will not argue that, even if I don't necessarily like her style. This outfit she wore for an appearance with the band is vintage Gwen...circa 2002. I expected better, that's all I can say.

Gwen has two fashion lines, L.A.M.B and Harajuku Lovers. She has been in multiple campaigns for makeup and hair ads. So we can say, she has some experience and knows what works. Obviously I think most would agree (aside from die-hard fans) this probably doesn't. She is 42-years-old now with kids. She doesn't need to still be running around with her mid-drift showing like she did in her good old teenage days in California. But like I said vintage Gwen with combat boots, parachute pants and black. But there is just so much going on with her outfit, you miss that she is actually talented and might label her a goofball-not the businesswoman she has become.
Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Not sure this can be saved. Maybe some high heels to make her a bit more feminine? Wear a shirt that covers her belly? I like her style when it is more feminine. I saw her jump on stage at a Prince concert last summer and she looked great in a cute dress. Much more in the direction she should be going with her clothing selections as she gets older. I already saw teenager Gwen on stage, don't need to see it forever.
Gwen, vintage or not, I would
BURN the baby baby t-shirt and the pants, I guess leave the combat boots and blazer. And maybe try a more feminine "Punk" look...I have faith, you can do it. As an example, here is a black outfit you wore on same trip to London, that was more up to your fashion icon standards!
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