- Bushy Beards
- Behind the Ear Tattoos
- 1/2 body Spray Tans
- Miley Cyrus's Haircut
- Male Adults in Onesies

So I feel its appropriate to throw in another one I don't understand that is making pop-culture news. Amanda Bynes and her cheek (or dimple) piercing. She tweeted this pic the other day, but first question. I thought she gave up Showbiz and Tweeting?
Regardless, I have never understood piercing my face, maybe the nose or eyebrow, but the cheek? Now I have a question, is there a back of the stud in your mouth or is it a hook like a nose piercing? (If someone knows, I would love to hear) Only more confusing to me is getting the back of your neck pierced. OUCH!!!
Hmmm, how to save the outfit?
Yeah, we are way past that question. As well as the BURN or FIRE issue. She fired all her people (agent, manager, styling team, etc) and moved to NYC to escape the Hollywood limelight. Or so she says...
My only thoughts are, 1)What is Lindsay going to do to compete with this? And 2)Imagine that hole when she decides to take it out.
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