Thursday, June 24, 2010

Feather of a Different Color

Okay, this is going to be a short one, because I think a picture is worth, in this case, a gazillion words.  'Eclipse' will be one of the biggest films of 2010-not hard to predict.  I mean c'mon I saw the line opening night for 'New Moon.'  Okay, so I was in the line, but that isn't the point.  Nikki Reed was certainly sent tons of  free dresses from every designer, had stylists begging to dress her and this is what she chose? 
Nikki, Big Bird wants to know why you wore his girlfriend to the premiere? 

I mean this is your big starring role, you have more than a few lines in this movie, at least according to the book it would seem that way.  Whoops, did I just slip that I read the book as well.  Well we are way past that people-focus on the dress. 

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

I think if the skirt was a bit longer...? A different color...?  Maybe if the shoes had some more pizazz...?  Well someone got one thing right, no accessories, would of been entirely too much with all that.  Someone may have saved their job. 

I am all for having fun, but I would say to this Cullen Family member, your stylist can live to see another day. This dress, not so much.  BURN it!


Lenka said...

yikes! that dress is worse than my "boots with the fur"!

Nicole said...

I could add your "Muppet Boots" onto the blog if you would like!