Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Should of stayed with the Scrunchie

I have in the past been accused of being jealous of one, Stacy Ferguson.  You may not know who I am speaking of, so I attached a picture of her for your convenience.  I know, how could I ever think poorly of  this cute lil blue-eyed blond girl, who used to be on 'Kids Incorporated'.  Which if I remember correctly, that was like the step down from the 'The`Mouse Club' right?  But now she is all growns up and we now know her, (thanks Black Eyes Peas) as Fergie. Or as we call her in my neck of the woods, "But-her-face." 

Yes, she is married to Josh Duhamel, which may bother me a bit. And yes, Josh Duhamel is HOT.  And yes, I keep calling Josh Duhamel by his full name.  But in this outfit she tried to rock at the BET Awards last weekend, Fergie doesn't even deserve a full name.  Josh did not attend the awards show, but in all fairness, would you go with her in that outfit?

I think she was trying to go for a tuxedo look.  She failed.  The front, although very short, not even half as bad as the back, which is why it was the main focus.  For someone with a "tush,"  not always the best thing to accentuate it with two black pieces of fabric.  And what's with the point coming down in the back?  Kinda reminds me of utters for some reason.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Well I like her shoes, so that is one thing she has going for her in a long list of issues.  If she wanted a short dress, which judging by the front she was not concerned about covering anything up, she should of stuck with that.  I would dye the whole thing black and even out the whole skirt, so its all one length. Or even better, remove the bottom half, looks like two pieces anyways and throw on a different mini skirt.  But make sure you have the same shade of black Fergie, I don't want you on this list again.

Little Stacy Ferguson, what happened? I understand you were trying to earn some sort of street cred, but this was not the outfit to try and prove you belong in the Peas.  Remove the outfit and BURN immediately!

Keep the shoes.


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