Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Oscar doesn't go to YOU!

"Thank you Academy...this means so much.  First and foremost I would like to thank God.  And my parents, especially my creepy dad.  But most importantly the fans, without your support I would be nothing."
Oh wait, Jessica you're not accepting the little gold statue...you are the lil statue.  At first glance this dress may not seem so bad, but look closer.  When hiding "curves" one shouldn't necessarily wear things with lines to draw attention to them.  Also, nude is a tough color to pull off for almost anyone, especially if your pale.  And the dress is a little too long, you should be able to see a bit of her shoes or toes, not sure if her clutch goes or clashes with the shoes....I CANNOT SEE THEM! This was a mess, I mean a miss...and I didn't even show you the back. Picture a arrow pointed right at her tush, yep, you can't even make this stuff up.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Removing embellishment is number one job.  Then shorten it and see if you can dye it, several colors might work.  I am sure the designer won't like this, but you can't please everyone.  And she sure didn't please me with this dress.

One would assume with the mockery Jessica received with the mom jeans on stage, she would go out and hire the best stylist.  Her buddy Ken Paves got her hair right, so maybe he should become her fashion stylist and not just do her hair.  But with that said, we all know she has people, lots of people.  Although this dress isn't hideous and could be fixed, its not right for Jessica.  And lets face it, #1 job for a stylist is to know your client.  So I would say Jessica, although this isn't going to cause the mom-jean fiasco, FIRE!!!


Miss Linda's Seahorses said...

I love this! Right on critique - gave me a good laugh for the evening!

Nicole said...

Some how I think she may dress herself back on the list again...stay tuned!