Thursday, September 4, 2014

What Bad Dresses do to Bad Dressers

There are certain people who want to be considered quirky.  I get it. But there is a time and place.  And after almost 2 weeks, this outfit still drives me so crazy that I felt I should just post something about it to alleviate my annoyance of it...if not only as a "PLEASE NEVER DRESS LIKE HER" warning.

Lena Dunham wore this to the 2014 Emmy Awards. My first question (because there are a lot) was were flamingos hurt in the making of this dress?  And why a collared shirt?  Ugh....although her look in the picture pretty much mirrored my face when seeing this on the computer.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

I am not even going to ask how to save this outfit...cuz I can't really see this is possible to fix.  And at a big huge event like the Emmy's where your show 'Girls' was no doubt nominated for awards, you chose to wear this? Or better yet, chose to allow your fashion consultants to let you where this?  I would FIRE them all, as I am pretty sure I have never seen a outfit I like you in.

But not to seem completely heartless...I will Google it and see if I can find an acceptable outfit.  Please hold (cue Jeopardy Music)...

ALAS, a outfit I do not hate:

See in this Glamour magazine article, a simple navy blue pleated dress.  Very cute, very simple with maroon ankle strap heels.  Classic.  Why does she feel the need to wear these outlandish outfits?  And worse yet, why do her fashion mavens allow it.  I wouldn't allow it if she was one of my friends, or other people I help dress.

But I do feel better about finding her in something respectable-like.  It gives me hope that one of these awards shows, she will simple do better!

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