Sunday, February 22, 2015

What the Heck? Weird Trends, that I just don't get...but keep seeing

There is a couple weird trends that I just don't get.  So why not write about it, maybe someone will explain it to me...

I have noticed in a few of the last award shows, an actress wears a sparkly dress and then there is this weird belt wrapped around her waist.  And it doesn't seem to go with it, but more of a last minute add on.  Case in point, Nicole Kidman at the Oscars.

 I just don't get it.  I mean none of her outfit really seems to go together, so maybe it works.  And the red ribbon belt, in theory put there to define a waist, doesn't really do the job anyways.  Just seems out of place to me on her thin figure.

The other trend I don't get is one I noticed on my cousin first.  He wears his pants rolled up slightly, causing a separation of about 2-3 inches from his shoes.  Then he throws on crazy colored or patterned socks. Then I started noticing other boys rocking the same fashion.  Now I turn on the Oscars tonight and rocks the same thing, minus the fun socks.

I won't even comment on the rest of the outfit. is a rapper, producer...and I think actor?  My cousin is seventeen and not a rapper, producer or actor!  You can see the reason in why I find this odd.

If someone wants to try and explain these to me, that would be great.  Is it just me or do other people like these trends???  Comment below...

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