For those of you who don't know, she is a 22-year-old actress who stars as Bella in the 'Twilight Movies', Snow White in the New Snow White movie and ...dates Robert Pattinson. She is constantly followed and asked questions, more about her beau than her career, but all press is good press, right?

I understand the stress of the paparazzi is not the most welcoming experience, even at the Cannes Film Festival. And so relaxing during a flight could be a nice change and most people choose comfort on a plane. And if I haven't mentioned before (which I did) she does not care what people think of her. She will wear what she wants, date who she wants and say what she wants. Jeans and a v-neck tee might not get much notice from me..BUT THE HOLES IN HER SHIRT DID!!!
I looked it up, per Forbes, in the last year (May 2011-Current) she made $34 million. Surely she could afford a shirt that the moths didn't get to. Check it for yourself:
Hmmm, how to save the outfit?
I am not going to begin to try and explain Kristen Stewarts style, or lack there of in my opinion. But I think we can all agree, a shirt with holes is not acceptable. If this was Beyonce, J Lo or any other celebrity (male or female), they wouldn't get a free pass. Sorry Bella!
Obviously with a shirt this destroyed, time to BURN. And maybe hire a stylist or two or nine, to take you shopping. I would send you a few dollars for some v-necks (I liked J Crews) but you make WAY more than me. Put in some effort can do it. No one will think worse of you at all, you might even gain some more fans.