Friday, March 13, 2015

No Golden Statue for Pamela Anderson

It is pretty hard to mess up a wrap dress.  But unfortunately for Pamela Anderson at a movie premiere of 'The Gunman,' that is what happened.

At first glance the dress is okay, but paying closer attention it is a golden disaster.  Where to begin? The material looks pretty cheap with frayed ends.  Looks like she simply went to a fabric store and asked for gold colored fabric of any material.  The material and low cut front, doesn't allow for a conventional bra, as her chest area is busting out.  But clearly you can see nipples popping out and she seems to be a little lopsided. (What is the point of a boob job if they aren't even straight?) The gold closed toed high heeled pumps seem to blend with the dress with a magenta jeweled belt attempting to hold everything together.  Heck, she even looks angry about the outfit.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

I want to start by saying I love the bag. LOVE IT! But not sure it goes with this attempt at a delicate look, seems a bit harsh and out of place with the dress, however wrong it might be.  Perhaps if the dress was a bit larger and closed up a bit more, she wouldn't look like the dress was about to tear off.

If I was Pamela, I would be way more well-endowed in the chest area, but I would BURN this dress.  It's not flattering on her in the least.  The belt, shoes and bag can fact just mail me the bag, I would take excellent care of it.  But this was not a outfit worth of an Oscar or a Hollywood movie premiere.

What do you think?  Too harsh?  Or not harsh enough?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throw Back Thursday-Out of this World

Evie Garland-Not Kristen Bell
I decided to go way back to 1987 for a little show called 'Out of the World.'  Some of you reading this may not have seen it, but it was a show about a young girl, Evie Garland, who had magical powers and could freeze time. Inevitably it got her out of trouble time after time and as a young kid I thought it would be so cool to have her powers.  I tried touching my pointer fingers together over and over, but to no avail, nothing ever happened.

But look at that floral sweater vest with turquoise colored short sleeve shirt with matching headband, classic 80's fashion.  Am I glad that rolled up sleeves and popped up colors have gone away?  Yes. Sad this show is gone?  Yes. Upset I still don't have magical powers? Terribly.

I kept looking at additional pictures, although you don't really need anymore than the GIF above, but after going through bleach blond hotties (Steve Burton that's you), scrunchies, bangle bracelets, all I can think of is doesn't Evie look exactly like Kristen Bell?

Kristen Bell 
I guess all I can say now, is if they choose to redo this show into a movie, which face it could be a possibility, we know who will play the lead.  This was clearly the part Kristen Bell was born to play...not Veronica Mars or the voices of Gossip Girl or the cartoon chick from Frozen.  Evie Garland.  Enough said.

I cannot wait for my next 80's party, I am so going to go for this look, pointing fingers and all.  Comment below for other shows I should flashback on and see what happens!

You know you want to...

Shoddy Photoshop work for Lindsay Lohan

I don't have much to say about this picture except...WHOOPS!

At first glance, I saw it and thought, wow she looks healthier and younger than I have seen her in years.  Lindsay Lohan looks like the cute lil girl from Parent Trap again. But then I noticed the door behind her toosh...

I am pretty sure, door frames aren't supposed to "bend" and carpet "smudge."   Pretty funny non-the-less.  Thanks to E Online for pointing out the Lindsay is Photoshopped story.  It definitely made my I am glad my photoshop skills are better than this!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Taylor Swift Stole my Grandma's Shoes

I will admit it right of the bat, I am not a Taylor Swift fan.  Yes, there are some of us that do not like her music or care who she is or isn't dating.  But she is quickly becoming a fashion icon, especially with her fans, and for that I will give her a little props.  However, the one thing that always seems off in her outfits for me is her shoes.

Here is a perfect example of her boho chic style.  She is out shopping in a New York sweater and white shorts, with ugly brown, laced up, high heeled, ankle booties.  And in all fairness, I can picture my grandma wearing them back in the day.  And this isn't the first time I have seen them on her, or similar pairs.  I know laced up "menswear" shoes are in but that doesn't mean they need to be worn with every outfit.  So next time you see her, check out the shoes.  Do it, I can't make this stuff up.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

If it was me, I would of thrown on a cute pair of white converse.  Still closed toed and comfy, but seems to go better her style of outfit, which almost seems nautical to me, without the anchors.  But with her current shoe selection, I just don't think it works.  And she in Los Angeles shopping, so a pair of sandals would of been appropriate as well.  Not like we are having a cold winter, at all.

 If I was Taylor, I would BURN these shoes immediately.  I am not ever sure using the excuse of winter footwear helps, they are just plain ugly.  And I am pretty sure your style team or model friends (is it just me or does she seem to be best friends with EVERYONE?) help with your big event style, so leave the bulky, grandma boots at home when you go shopping.  For a style icon in the making, not sure these will ever be bronzed in the Taylor Swift Fashion Hall of Fame!  I do like the sweater though...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Throw Back Tuesday: Special Edition

I saw this last weekend and decided I couldn't wait till Thursday to post, so I will do a "Throw Back Tuesday" edition, looks the same in hashtag #TBT.  Anyways I was channel surfing and found the little gem 'Boy Meets World' on ABC Family Channel, the college years though.  Why did every sitcom in the 90's have the college years, just kind of always seemed to ruin it?  Anyways Will Friedle (who at the time I believe was dating Jennifer Love Hewitt), mind you was a heartthrob at this point, comes on the screen as Eric a choker.

Yes people, a choker.  Remember those? And it made me realize how much of a fad that was, mostly for girls, but apparently some guys.  And one I hope never ever comes back.  I mean, shouldn't there be a little space between the neck and necklace, not perfectly formed around his Adam apple, or for Friends fans, his Joey's apple.  Will's in all the pictures, was so tight I watched just to see if it popped right off.

It did not...

Monday, March 2, 2015

What is with Kerry Washington and Magazine Covers?

Sunday in my condo is cleaning day.  I know, excitement galour, but you gotta do what you gotta do. And while dusting my living room and arranging my magazines on my coffee table, my eyes went to my newest copy of In Style magazine from early February.  I hadn't read it yet, nor really paid attention to the cover.  But my eyes caught the wording "Kerry's Candid Q & A" and I realized that the random female on the cover was Kerry Washington.
In Style Magazine-March 2015

Lucky Magazine-2014
I still didn't believe it, so I turned to the pages and sure enough, several pages about Scandal star Kerry Washington, who I watch on a weekly basis. I am not saying she looks bad or anything, just doesn't look like her at all.  And then I remembered a while ago a cover of Lucky Magazine, where the same thing happened.  What that is Kerry Washington?

Inside both magazines, the pictures that corresponded with the article looked just like her.  But yet why do magazines feel the need of altering covers where celebs are unrecognizable.  Even comparing the two pictures above, doesn't even seem like the same person.  And this isn't even photoshopping an arm or leg to look thinner, this is essentially changing a face.

In Style Magazine-2014
In case you were wondering, there are a few covers where Kerry looks like she does every Thursday on my television.  Or for that matter what she looks like in the magazine.  I know this happens to many stars, but seems so drastic for Kerry.  I went back and organized my magazines and continued on cleaning.  But this little trend stood out in my mind, just thought it was weird.  And for giggles, here is a magazine cover, where she actually looks herself....and oddly enough a wedding version of In Style.

What do you guys think?  Anyone else you see this happening to?  Le me know...