Monday, April 14, 2014

Hardly EAR-esistible...even for a Kardashian

Kendall Jenner
Coachella never fails to turn out some unforgettable fashion for me.  In fact, it is generally so bad that I try to stay away from the pictures.  But what can I say, curiosity got the best of me.  And lookie lookie what I found...

Yup Kendall Jenner is wearing a nose ring that connects to her ear via a chain.  Now, not that that wasn't strange enough, but did she really need to have such a large piece in her nose?  Surely it might of been a bit better if the larger portion was connected to her ear.  Kinda makes you wonder was is attached to her ear.  (Never mind-I don't even want to know)

Now I know technically she is a Jenner.  But lets face facts, she is all Kardashian and attempting to follow in the shadow of her three more famous siblings.  And again, as a Kardashian, her decision making skills should be called into question.  (I wont even make a list-I don't think I even need to!)

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Jennifer Lopez
I like the tennis shoes, we all love a good pair of chucks.  And while I am not a fan of the rest of the outfit, it goes with the "Hippie-Dippie" of Coachella.  But the nose is unacceptable.

As someone who is an up-and-coming model and obviously trying to stay in the spot light, while this may get you some attention-it might not be the kind you want.  But BURN the earring and move on kid!  (And might as well throw in the Bandanna too-who are you Jennifer Lopez?)

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