Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I've Had it up to EAR!!!

(T to B): Gemma Arterton,
Carmen Electra & Rihanna
So as I was watching 'Celebrity Apprentice' Sunday night and I realized something was bothering me.  It wasn't the fact that I am still trying to figure out who some of these celebs are and why they are famous. Or that I used to like Aubrey O'Day (I know who?) when she was a little reality contestant on MTV's Making the Band and now she seems incredible entitled after having a little bit of fame.  No, it was the ugly, semi-blurred by make-up, tattoo behind Aubrey's ear that I couldn't stop looking at.
I will note, I am not a "Tattoo Person."  Never have been, never will be.  So I am sorry if you, the reader, are a fan of tats.  Even knowing the fact that one day their skin artwork will be marred by wrinkles-A LOT of people have them. While searching for pics of Aubrey 's tattoo, I found numerous Hollywood celebrities with behind the ear tattoos.  Is this the newest version of the 'Tramp Stamp'?  Am I missing something?

I can see having tattoos on the side, arms, wrist or even on a finger, which is very popular now.  But its not like you can admire the design behind your ear, although it would be funny to watch someone try. (All of a sudden imagining one of these women spinning around like a dog chasing her ear tattoo.)  Surely there is a better place for these things.

Miley Cyrus
Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Not really one of those posts on saving anything, so we will leave it alone.  Among the ear tattooed are Carmen Electra, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Pink and of course Aubrey O'Day.  Oddly enough, I couldn't find a picture of her tattoo, which is now driving me even crazier. Tune in Sunday night on NBC and you can see it for yourself.  (There you go Donald Trump-FREE advertising.)

Obviously inking ones self is not a stylists fault or responsibility...although maybe hiding it is.  So get these ladies some hair extensions or beanies.  And while this isn't a BURN or FIRE type of situation, it is a personal preference and its not mine. Maybe someone can explain to me the reason why this is so great and why everyone is doing it.  But may I remind you, there is bone behind the ear, so before you decide to follow this trend let me say one thing...OUCH!!!

What do you think?  Are you a Tattoo person?  Comment below...

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