Thursday, August 2, 2012

Heidi Klum...You are on my List!

There are several celebs that I have written about that may be some of the worst dressed people period...this includes the candidates of TLC's 'What Not to Wear.'  I think I have been been real transparent about them-Miley, Olsen Twins, Kristen Stewart, Etc.  But Heidi Klum, you have officially been added to this list with this outfit.  And you were once a Super Model!!!

Heidi and her daughter Leni were out strolling in New York, which I will mention is a Fashion Mecca, wearing a black (grey) and white frilly sundress, over sized frock sweater and gigantic white scarf.  While her daughters fashion sense far surpasses her mothers, in her pink and white striped dress, both have ugly tennis shoes. But I am not going to pick on a little kid.  But cant you see Leni's embarrassment, "Is my mother really wearing that?"

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

I just looked up the weather in New York to see if it was rainy, stormy or warm.  Its 87 degrees currently, so I think she can lose the scarf for sure.  If she is feeling a chill from shopping in the retail establishments, a cute little jean jacket or simple sweater would of been better.  The bottom of the dress already grabs enough attention, the top should be a bit more simple if she really wants to wear the dress.  I mean I first thought it was a tutu.  And those shoes...couldn't of put on a pair of sandals?

This is only one example of Heidi's horrible casual wardrobe.  I think she looks a bit better dressed up, so that leads me to believe she has a team to help her out.  So the blame falls on her, maybe she should let Leni pick out her clothes.  BURN the dress, it seems pretty bad from what I see and the sweater.  Keep the scarf and tennis shoes (if you must) for a rainy day and move on...ask your fashion consultants to take you shopping.  And do what you can to get off my list, which trust me, you do not want to be on!

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