Tuesday, February 3, 2015

When your DOG wears MORE CLOTHES than YOU...Time to Check your Fashion Choices

I may be out of the norm here, but when I plan to get off the plane, I make sure I have everything.

  •  Luggage-CHECK
  •  Cell Phone-CHECK
  •  Pants-CHECK

Seems logical right?  Well I guess no one ever said that Lady Gaga was logical.  I mean she did wear a coat of Kermit the Frogs once.  But still, put some pants on!!!

This photo was taken at LAX (for those of you who don't know-the airport in Los Angeles, CA.)  And while yes, it has been warm, we are in no way involved in a heatwave that would encourage anyone to remove their pants.  Heck the dog is even wearing a coat (and more clothes than Gaga) in what is usually a cold atmosphere...an airplane.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Well if you ever read this blog, you will know I am not a fan of the sans-pants wardrobe, made famous by Christina Aguilera on the Voice.  So Step #1, don't copy the fashion trend of Christina, because you are not going to get any points from me. Step #2, PUT ON PANTS!!!

I would start by saying Lady Gaga, BURN all of your tops so you don't have the option to just wear them. However I am afraid of what you would come up with then.  So please keep your bottomless days to your home and away from the poor guy in a suit trying really hard to get out of the shot.

Bonus Points: Your puppy is very cute!!!

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