Tuesday, July 13, 2010

High School Flashback

When I was in high school, everyone I knew had a crush on Jordan Catalano from the TV show 'My So Called Life.'  And Angela, the red headed main character on the show, was in love with him.  And you watched it week after week to see when Angela and Jordan finally would, as we put it, "Hook Up".  Claire Danes hit the Hollywood map and we now know Jordan as Jared Leto, (although not as cute as he used to be) the rocker and sometimes actor.

The thing I really remember most about that show,which so wasn't the main point, was Claires bright red hair and how pale it made her look.  I mean it was a strange contrast and if I remember correctly, the whole dying of the hair and pasty white skin did come up in the dialogue sometime in the year it was on TV.  But this dress flashes me back there instantly. 

The dress shape isn't terrible, the cute could be kind of cute.  But the colors are all wrong for her skin type.  Because as we can all see, Claire is not getting any tanner.  If you squint really hard at the picture, it all blends...never a good thing.  And I blew the picture up more, when it was tiny, she looked almost completely nude.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

First thing I would do is remove the entire left sleeve.  What is that?  Did the designer have some left over fabric?  And I guess we cannot really change the color of the dress, maybe add some jewelry?  Maybe a little pop of color in the shoe? 

Basically the dress isn't ugly, its just not right for Claire.  But, while the stylist should of known better, the dress should be saved...and I guess so can the stylist.  We will call this one a draw, so no need to BURN or FIRE

Maybe we could dye it red to match her old hair color?  Ahh, flashback.

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