Thursday, July 8, 2010

The 90's? AGAIN?

Wikipedia defines "the grunge look" as:

Clothing commonly worn by grunge musicians in Washington consisted of thrift store items and the typical outdoor clothing (most notably flannel shirts) of the region, as well as a general unkempt appearance. The style did not evolve out of a conscious attempt to create an appealing fashion; music journalist Charles R. Cross said, "Kurt Cobain was just too lazy to shampoo," and Sub Pop's Jonathan Poneman said, "This [clothing] is cheap, it's durable, and it's kind of timeless. It also runs against the grain of the whole flashy aesthetic that existed in the 80's."

However Pete Wentz and his wife Ashlee Simpson Wentz make enough money so they do not have to share clothes, or go to the thrift store, or the local trash bin.  Pete, I have left you alone long enough and it still angers me you named your kid Bronx Mowgli, so here you go! 

I know some people are wondering who is this teenager, you know who you are.  Pete is the lead guitarist and main song writer for band Fall Out Boy.  (I know who?)  Anyways make lots of money, is married to the other Simpson sister, is a grown man, blah blah blah.  Yes, we all have our own style, but really is even trying? 

And why is he wearing his kids bonnet?

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Not really much we can do, I am guessing this old dog won't learn new tricks.  And he is a clothing designer, yup saw the line in Nordstroms, he should know better.  We could let out the pants, remove the bonnet and give it back to Bronx and I will allow the "man bag" since I think its for the kid.  Sorry now all I keep thinking is from the 'Hangover', its a satchel. 

Regardless, this vent will not get any of us anywhere and I should probably be nicer, but what fun is that.  I do think he and Ashlee have stylists.  And I am sure when needed, he can-doesn't mean he will, dress appropriately.  Pete, if your excuse to wear that hat is your cold, BURN the pants and use the flames to keep yourself warm.  I mean c'mon your kid seems plenty fine in the Los Angeles weather.

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