Friday, July 23, 2010

Super Bad isn't just a Movie Title Anymore...

Maybe its not fair to expect a lot out of a Supermodel.  I do believe it was Janice Dickenson who takes credit for coining "Supermodel," so I guess that says something in its self.  But I guess what I mean is, you expect a model to know how to dress, just like you expect athletes to be able to play multiple sports or musicians to be able to play various instruments.

Molly Sims, I have no words.  Granted you are tall, so you should be able to pull of a pattern such as theory.  But the cut of the dress is so unflattering.  And your hair and lack of accessories, just screams BLLLLAAAAHHH to me. 

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

Aside from the shoes, this dress is just not good on her.  Maybe cut of the sleeves into a tanktop shape dress?  Or lengthen the skirt, I know can't really add on more material.

I am going to make this really short, since I don't want to look at the dress anymore.  Molly, I don't think this was a super fancy event, although the pink sparkly cougar in the background could scream class to some people.  But regardless, I don't think you requested styling help.  But then again, I am not sure I know anything about Hollywood or people in general these days.  So Molly, take that outfit, keep the shoes and BURN, before someone sees you!

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