Monday, July 12, 2010

Prison Break?

I suppose when your rock'n'roll royalty, you are allowed a certain amount of 2nd chances.  What do they say, Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll?  So I guess in some cases, 3rd, 4th and 5th chances are allowed. (I would like to say while I am typing this Tom Petty just came on the radio-seems apropos)  But what if you are the royalties daughter?

Liv Tyler, I am a big Aerosmith fan.  In fact, I will be seeing you father in a bout a week or two in concert.  But please, if you come to the show, do not wear this. 

I don't really think I even need to rip on this look too much, the picture does just fine without my fancy smancy words.  All I will say, don't you look like a little Jailbird and what's with the pooch?  No not the dog, the stomach.

Hmmm, how to save the outfit?

I suppose if you threw a skirt on the girl, in a color, maybe even black could work and removed the tights, it would be a step in the right direction.  Throw on a cute pair of heels and you got a girl who used to be a model!

At first I thought this picture was taken while leaving a business meeting or something.  But then, when was the last time you had velvet ropes blocking the way to your work?  So she knew there would be photogs there.  Liv, I am sure a few of these items can be salvaged and made into a outfit...your stylist I am not so sure about.  Simply put, FIRE!!!

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